The Fifth International Fishers Forum concluded on August 5, 2010 after three days of presentations and discussions on marine spatial planning and bycatch mitigation. Approximately 300 participants from nearly 30 countries and territories, representing over 120 fishing industries, governments, academia, and conservation organizations gathered in Taipei for the Forum.
At the conclusion of the meeting, the Taipei Declaration was presented by Mr. James Sha (Fisheries Agency, Taiwan) and Ms. Kitty Simonds (Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council, USA), and adopted by the participants. The 12-point plan of action aims to include the fishing industry in ongoing efforts to use marine spatial planning to manage human activities and to continue past IFF efforts to reduce unwanted fishery interactions with sea turtles, seabirds, sharks, non-target finfish and marine mammals.
Download the Taipei Declaration here (PDF):
Press Release (August 10, 2010)
Download the IFF5 Proceedings here (PDF):
Full Proceedings in English and Mandarin (10.23MB)